the blog



Taking photos can be really nerve wracking. You might be afraid of being uncomfortable in front of the camera and the stranger behind it, or you might be worried that the photos aren’t going to be cute and you won’t feel great about yourself after.

Wow that sounds terrible!!!!!!

But giiiirl we can solve those problems easy PEASY. You’ll look happy and beautiful in your photos if you feel happy and beautiful during your shoot. To feel comfortable during your session, you need to vibe well with your photographer.

Enter: Shady Jaydey.

Jayden Campbell Photography About Me

I frickin’ got youuuuuuu!

I will do everything I can to make sure it is a fun, chill environment for you to be in. I will crack jokes, play music (#beatsbyjay), and probably make such a fool of myself that it will make you forget that you were even nervous in the first place.

So! Let’s get started with you feeling like we vibe well together. I’ll share some facts that will help you get to know me, and I will keep it real so you start feeling comfortable AF around me. Please share a fun fact (or 15) about yourself at the end so I can get to know you too!


// Photo by Mary Kate Gilroy Photography



When I was a teenager, I had a gig taking photos of people posing with the tallest man in Canada.

…..why tho



I was in student council in elementary + high school! I freaking loved it, and was usually in a media/event role. I was caught kissing a boy in the student council office. Yolo.

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Jayden Campbell Oh My Goodness


I went to three proms! At my own prom I was voted “most likely to be the next octo-mom” LOL. Sorry to let the class of 2011 down but I don’t have any kids yet hahaha.

I once went to a twerking class in New York City. Best $30 I have ever spent. I now twerk at every wedding I shoot, so the ROI has been incredible.

// Photo by MJay Photography



I was once snowed-in at my friend’s house for a whole week. We did a photo shoot outside every day wearing different winter hats. Posted every single photo on facebook. They’re still up. V cute.



I worked at Don’s from age 14-17 LOL. (I also worked at Aeropostale for a year of that, along with babysitting and taking on photography clients). Ya girl was a hustler.



My seventeenth birthday party turned into a photo shoot of me with gigantic granny panties over my jeans with my friends. There was hot pink duct tape involved too???? Again, all the photos are still up on Facebook. It’s chilling.



I married Jensen when I was basically still a newborn baby.

But yoooo it has worked out! We are obsessed with each other. (But not in a creepy/clingy way lolol). Since we have been married we have: finished post secondary, travelled to a couple continents together, (I have gone to a couple on my own too on girls trips), started our careers, made an international move, raised a pup, and made some really great friends along the way. Marriage has been way better than I was expecting it to be, tbh. And I had high expectations!!!!

The only thing I would change about him is how freaking warm he is at night hahaha.

// Photo by Jared Bautista



I hiked from the valley floor up to the tip top of Half Dome (that cool rock in the pic) in Yosemite. I hate doing stairs but I hate missing out on good times even more.

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I grew up in London, Ontario before moving to Alberta after high school. Having stellar girlfriends has always been important to me. I would basically achieve permanent residency at my friend’s houses because I was over hanging out so much. I would like to formally apologise to the parents of all my childhood friends. I was wildly obnoxious. (Still am, but now I don’t have to subject anybody else to it— except Jens haha).



Our first trip together overseas was a month backpacking to Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan! I laugh now looking back at how ballin’ on a budget we were on that trip. Slept on too many night busses, almost died on a cheap ziplining tour, and had an enema-by-firehose while on a waterslide.



I would take Greyhounds, ViaRail trains, and mooch rides off of so many people in high school to go to different cities for church dances on the weekends. Again, would like to apologise to the poor parents who would wait around to drive us back to London while we would take 69,000 photos with our friends after the dances were over.



I didn’t get my drivers licence until I was 18! In Ontario, you can’t get your learners until you’re 16, and when I turned 16 they were on a long strike. Finally got that bad boy when I was 17, and had to wait a year until I could upgrade that motha.

My driving instructor, Barry, was a gem. Each lesson I could choose a place to drive to, and he would treat me to something there. Whether it was smoothies, popcorn, or a full brunch, the man spoiled me LOL.

Barry, if you’re reading this, I hope you’re doing well. You’d be proud that I haven’t been in any accidents or received any tickets!!!!!!!

// Photo by MJay Photography



I have five sisters and two brothers! (I gained two of those sisters when my mom married my step dad when I was 17).

Also my bff bush (MJay Photography) is also a sister, and my family has welcomed her with open arms hahaha.

// Photo by Guenard Photography

Jayden Campbell - Pico


I was never an animal person growing up, but now we have a lil doge and I love her???

Who am I? Am I no longer the Grinch????

// Photo by Jeff Spencer: Photographer

OKURRRRR that was a lot. I feel exposed. Hahaha.

Please let me know in the comments a fun fact about yourself! Or if there is anything you already knew in this list?!


15 things most people dont know about me jayden campbell.jpg






  1. Sloth whisperer says:

    I’m in three of these pictures. Idk why I’m crying in the club rn????????? I love this post and your face and your unique teenage experience that mixed v well with mine. All of these things make you the A1 photographer that you are!!
    Xoxoxo I would sign my name but instead I’ll assume you know who this is because let’s face it who else is in three of these pictures? WHO?

    • LOL I knew who it was when I saw the name "sloth whisperer" hahahahhahaha ded. I went through all my fb pics in preparation for this blog post and there were a ton of pics I didn’t post of us but it took great restraint on my part hahaha. TYSM for this comment and all the mems we shared growing up!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. The Gem Expert says:

    You’re a gem.

  3. Karla says:

    I’m going to go stalk your teenage Facebook photos now!

  4. Leah Thorpe says:

    I have so many questions!!

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