the blog



Being there to photograph a birth has become one of my favourite things. At first the thought of shooting a birth freaked me out, and it often comes with mixed replies when I suggest to people that they should consider having a photographer at their birth, but I promise you it is so worth it. Why? Here are five reasons why you should dooooo it. 

1. It’s seriously not at weird as you think it will be. I’m not taking photos from down at your vajiggle, but up by your shoulders if that is what you’re comfortable with! 

2. I know you think will you look super unflattering while giving birth to a tiny human, but that’s why you get a professional in there! Just like you may not trust your husband to give your hair highlights (unless he is actually a hair stylist), he may also not take the most flattering images during that special time.  

3. You will be so focused that you won’t remember it all! You should want to look back at the images and remember the whole story, not just the pain of it! How your husband was crying, how sweet your midwives were, etc. 

4. This way your partner/parent/friend that is in there with you can drop their camera and just be in the moment with you. It’s like having an unplugged wedding. This way everyone is present but you still have the tangible memories to keep forever.

5. You will be SO grateful to have the images. I promise. Even if you don’t show anybody but yourself. It is so amazing to look through them again and again and relive the first moments when you met your baby and held them in your arms for the first time. 

That being said, I am so thankful that I was there to photograph baby James being born into the world this month! Jennie is a super woman. Seriously. She pushed him out like a champ and with so much grace. She is a rockstar and I will forever sing her praises!! They texted me when she was 5cm dilated and I got my stuff ready and headed out the door when she reached 7cm. It felt like a minute and a day all at once and I was a crying wreck behind the camera. It was beautiful, and so difficult to narrow down the images for this blog post! He looks so much like his big sister + I am looking forward to doing their newborn session this weekend! 






  1. Jillayne says:

    I’m sure these photographs will be treasured forever. So beautiful.

  2. Kimberley says:

    I bawled…and it’s not even my grandbaby! Love love love them!

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